Train the Trainer

Start date: Arranged on a date convenient for you

Who is the course for: Staff with the responsibility of training or presenting

Duration: One day Course

Learning knowledge is one thing, but delivering the knowledge so that somebody else may implement it, is another. This Course ensures that you have staff with the capability to deliver any form of training to the rest of the work force in an enjoyable, coherent and inspirational manner.

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Course overview

Why take a Train the Trainer Training Course?

This course is packed full of tips and techniques to equip your trainers with the necessary skills to deliver their subject knowledge to their audience.  This provides their audience with the confidence and ability to implement these skills in their workplace.

The Course Content that we will cover

We tailor all our courses to reflect the needs of the organisation together with the individual needs of each delegate. We use a mix of theory as well as exercises to develop the delegates’ train the trainer skills.

Real-life work scenarios can be built into the training in order to support the learning which helps to generate ideas and solutions that you can be implemented in the workplace.

What are the Learning Outcomes?

Here are a number of learning outcomes from the training course that will provide you with the skills and confidence to deliver professional training solutions:

  • Know the four step process to undertake an effective Needs Analysis
  • Understand how you can adapt a SWOT analysis for effective train the trainer planning
  • Identify the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How
  • Be able to set clear aims and objectives
  • Recognise practical techniques to engage the audience, including voice control
  • Understand why, when and how to develop effective communication skills
  • Identify the effective and correct use of body language, including appropriate eye contact
  • Know the appropriate use of visual aids to gain and retain audience interest
  • Recognise methods for highlighting and emphasising key messages, including the preparation of slides

Support material

On the day, a colour printed workbook with techniques and tips will be available to all delegates for their personal use.

Delegates will be encouraged to ask questions and think of ways that each aspect of the train the trainers course applies to their own working environment.

Get in touch to learn more

Module content

  • Undertaking a Training Needs Analysis
  • Planning the training
  • Training structure
  • The style of the training for your audience
  • Training delivery skills
  • The use of energisers and different media
  • Making the training engaging
  • Dealing with hostllity
  • Training evaluation

'Graeme delivered a very interesting Course and we had a lot of fun learning important and sometimes difficult things. An outstanding trainer.'

Anastasia, Real Russia

'I felt the way the Course was broken down into three sessions meant that the content was not rushed and was covered in depth with our views also.'

Nicola, RCI Financial Services

'Graeme is a very effective trainer and has the power of engaging trainees in learning.'

Sophia, HATS