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Business Strategy

Choosing and communicating the right Business Strategy for the benefit of your staff and customers is key to the long term success and longevity of any business.

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Essential Skills every Manager should possess

We look at ten of the most essential skills that are required to be a successful Manager in today’s workplace; all of which are linked to the different managerial training courses that we provide.

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Procrastination: the Causes and Consequences

Procrastination costs businesses money and creates tension and stress for the person suffering from it. This short article looks at the types of procrastination and how to combat it.

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What Makes a Great Leader?

Leadership requires specific skills to help lead your team to success. These skills are dependant upon the ability, expertise and motivation of your staff and the industry you operate in. This article looks at three types of Leadership style.

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Staff Training

There are 3.5 million ‘economically inactive’ 50 – 64 years old in the UK. This article covers how to attract them, retain them and benefit from them.

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Recruitment – No Vacancies!

Staff turnover is part of being in business. However, vacancies cause disruption and enhanced workload for those covering. The skill is to be proactive on your recruitment policy, not reactive. Build a ‘squad’ of staff who you can bring in to the business as soon as you receive a resignation.

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Dealing with Conflict

Recognising the importance of including cultural communication as a subject within conflict, communication and interpersonal skills training courses.

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Create conflict to boost production

Recognise the importance to create conflict for the benefit of your business. To enhance and boost performance, manager’s need to be challenged to be innovative and to problem solve. This challenge needs to come from within the business, with all managers challenging those that under deliver their commitments.

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