Letter Writing Training

Start date: Arranged on a date convenient for you

Who is the course for: Staff who write Letters or send Emails

Duration: One day Course

Someone who reads a letter or an email will judge the writer not on their ability, intelligence or the hours they have invested into looking into the subject being discussed, they will judge them by the quality of the written piece of work presented to them. Therefore, for any written piece of work to have influencing powers, it must be professionally constructed and appropriately worded.

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Course overview

This interesting and enjoyable course provides delegates with the skills to communicate their message professionally through the written mediums of letters and emails. The course covers the rules of etiquette to make your writing influential and appropriate for your audience. It also deals with how to handle customer complaints and help achieve a satisfactory outcome to any dispute at the first time of asking.

Letter writing training course aim

The aim of the letter-writing course is to enable delegates to be both confident and competent in their written communication. Now more than ever, being able to communicate through different mediums is essential in the modern workplace. With face-to-face meetings being largely avoided where possible, having the skills to effectively communicate through written means will help to convey important messages.

These skills will benefit delegates as they are transferrable to other closely related areas. Confidence in writing letters will help with interpersonal skills, which are essential in ensuring professional and efficient communication with team members. If your role requires you to write reports, then the content you learn in letter writing will help you to produce well-structured, detailed reports.

The course content

The letter writing training course content will take delegates on a journey from the basics to a strong understanding of more complex aspects. Our easy-to-learn but effective techniques will help learners to pick up important points that will be instrumental in their letter writing skills.

As with all of our courses, we will incorporate content that is specific to your working environment. This means recreating real scenarios that could occur in your workplace. By doing this, we allow delegates to gain some valuable experience of realistic tasks they may have to complete in daily life and how they can use their newly-learned skills to find an effective solution.

Your support material

On the day, a colour printed workbook with techniques, tips and space for notes will be available to all delegates for their personal use.

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Module content

  • Attributes and Objectives of Effective Writing
  • Letter/email purpose
  • Tailoring writing for your audience
  • Letter construction
  • How to use writing to influence
  • How to make your writing compelling reading
  • Effective proof reading
  • Grammar and punctuation
  • General style guidance

'Fantastic character, very engaging and flexible to our learning'

Errienne, London & Colonial