Report Writing Training

Start date: Arranged on a date convenient for you

Who is the course for: Staff with report writing responsibilities

Duration: One day Course

The whole purpose of a report is to convey information to the reader in a clear understandable format, in order that the reader may make an informed decision upon. How many times have you read a report and been more confused after reading it than before? How many times have you become lost in the detail, which has overshadowed the main theme and arguments? This course is designed to provide the report writer with the professional skills to make their reports a compelling read that is easy to understand.

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Course overview

This valued report writing training course gives report writers the necessary writing skills to prepare and complete a report professionally. It also provides them with the critical skills to evaluate their subject and present conclusions objectively. Focus is also placed on the importance of gearing the report content for the benefit of the reader and achieving the main purpose of any report – to convey information on a subject clearly, fairly and without bias.

The Report Writing Skills Course Content

We tailor all our courses to reflect the needs of the organisation together with the individual needs of each delegate.  We use a combination of theory and exercises designed to develop delegates’ report writing skills. Real-life work scenarios can be built into the training to support the learning and help to generate ideas and solutions that can be implemented in the workplace.

How We Will Support Your Learning

On the day, a colour printed workbook with techniques, tips and space for notes will be available to all delegates for their personal use.

What are the Learning Outcomes?

Here are a number of learning outcomes from the Report Writing Skills Training Course which will provide you with the skills and confidence to prepare and complete professional reports:

  • Recognise how to plan and complete reports for maximum impact
  • Understand the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How
  • Identify the different measures of readability
  • Know how to tailor a report for a specific audience
  • Understand the different stages and time allocation of report writing
  • Know the difference between active and passive verbs
  • Recognise when to use data to back up your report
  • Identify which type of diagram to use to support your data findings
  • Be able to effectively revise and fine-tune the report

A summary of the Report Writing Skills Course

This report writing training course covers skills from every angle, from preparation through to completion. We will teach you to write reports that prioritise value over volume. An essential part of this is knowing how to address multiple audiences, as you never know who will end up reading your report. By the end of the course, you will be confident in identifying important information to include in your report and relaying it in a clear and concise manner. To find out more about the course, feel free to get in touch with us today and ask any questions.


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Module content

  • Attributes and Objectives of Effective Report Writing
  • Critical thinking
  • Tailoring a Report for your audience
  • The purpose of a Report
  • Organising your information
  • Setting aims and objectives
  • Writing a Report
  • Effective proof reading
  • Grammar and punctuation
  • General style guidance
  • The 'So what?' test

'Fantastic tutor, could not have asked for better.'

Jackson, Sussex Police