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Managerial skills

Three Management tips taken from Ian Holloway’s (football manager) autobiography of management.

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New to Management?

Being new to management means you need to learn a new set of skills. This article looks at 10 of the first golden rules to master.

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Improve staff performance

This article looks at two basic managerial tools which will help enhance the performance of their staff. GROW when it is a skills issue, AID when it is an attitude issue.

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Focus on Performance

It is very easy for a business to be distracted away from its main purpose – to provide outstanding customer service for value and make a profit. This articles examines methods to ensure the focus is where it needs to be.

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Managing Difficult Conversations

This article looks at two basic but effective techniques that you can use to support that difficult conversation that you need to have with your member of staff.

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Staff Motivation

A look at how a Manager can motivate their staff to perform to the best of their ability.

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Maximising Time and Resources

An article on the importance for a Manager to focus on how to maximise their time and resources as opposed to simply craving more time and resource!

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Teamwork in the 2020’s and beyond

The article reviews how the changing employer/employee relationship has developed over the last 30 years, requiring a different approach from employers to achieve staff loyalty, teamwork and synergy.

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